Billy Football And His College Boys Were Apparently The First People Ever To Go Cow Tipping Successfully


There was a lot of kerfuffle regarding what an Urban Legend was in this week's snake draft, so I decided to do what I always do: consult Wikipedia and/or Urban Dictionary. Here's Urban Dictionary's definition of an Urban Legend: 


That's why I can grasp how the idiots I work with veto'd "leprechaun" as my pick. Like…what in the fuck? Leprechaun checks every box here: 

1.  "a modern myth" - Just because tales of Leprechauns go back 1000 years to my great great grandfather doesn't mean they're no longer exist. Those tales are with still with us and will be LONG into the future

2. "untrue story which the storyteller insists it's true, but has no evidence to back it up" - Yeah…tell this guy the leprechaun ain't real

Giphy Images.

3. "never happened to the story teller but someone removed from them" - see #2 

All in all leprechaun should have been a worthy pick, even if leprechauns are in the same vein as Santa, the Tooth Fairy or Jesus. All fictional characters of folklore that are so prevalent in society that they're just kinda accepted as "real", even though they're scientifically not even close. 

Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun mucking it up with Donnie and Congressman hopeful, Bill Cotter. It was my first true glimpse of Billy Football and his wild tales, as Donnie caught him telling a (more than likely) fake story of how he went cow tipping in college: 

Did this story actually happen? Or is it just an urban legend? Per google, Billy was most likely embellishing this little ditty solely for the sake of content, which we're all guilty of from time to time…

Hmmm. Really makes you think! 

And on that exact note, this week's snake draft is LIVE on all platforms. 

Have a listen! 

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